United States (U.S.) President Richard Nixon’s momentous visit to the People’s Republic of China in 1972 changed the dynamics of the Cold War and global balance of power creating a new strategic triangle between U.S., Soviet Union and China. It marked the onset of the Sino-U.S. rapprochement and the beginning of the normalization of the twenty five year old strained relations into a new bonhomie, which Goh (2005) calls as from “Red Menace” to “tacit ally.”
By Amrita Jash
handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world – twenty five years of no
communication." - Chinese
Premier Zhou Enlai to President Richard Nixon, Beijing, 21 February 1972.
"It was the
week that changed the world."- Nixon, Shanghai, 27 February
Image Attribute: President Nixon and Premier Zhou Enlai at the State Banquet
Source: Wikimedia Commons
The Rational
behind the Sino -U.S. Rapprochement: Theory to Practice
United States
(U.S.) President Richard Nixon’s momentous visit to the People’s Republic of
China in 1972 changed the dynamics of the Cold War and global balance of power
creating a new strategic triangle between U.S., Soviet Union and China. It
marked the onset of the Sino-U.S. rapprochement and the beginning of the
normalization of the twenty five year old strained relations into a new
bonhomie, which Goh (2005) calls as from “Red Menace” to “tacit ally.”
With this path-breaking episode, United States became China’s, as He (1994) calls “most
respected enemy.” Hence, the question that arises as to how this sudden “leap
of faith” came into being on behalf of China, where Mao had continuously
condemned the U.S. as an imperialist and an aggressor. How did this engagement
come to be constructed such that, upon judging the situation (Soviet
Imperialism), China’s policy makers could regard rapprochement with the U.S. as
the only reasonable course of action?
approaches to foreign policy analysis and decision-making do not pose this
“how” question (Doty 1993). It is generally concerned with “why” particular
decisions resulting in specific course of action were made. In answering the
“why” aspect there are certain factors that are often ignored or overlooked in
assessing foreign policy. Understanding the difference between the “why” and
“how” rationalization of actions is necessary in evaluating a successful
explanation. Like the question of “why did China normalize its relations with
its adversary, the United States?” The most dominant explanation to this stems
from Stephen Walt’s ‘balance of threat theory’ , which gives an immediate
solution to this puzzle. According to this theory, the Sino-American
rapprochement was a result of perceived threat to China from the Soviet Union
in the wake of the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the subsequent
proclamation of the Brezhnev Doctrine, the 1969 Sino-Soviet Border clashes, and
ebbing of the American presence in Vietnam (Shambaugh, 1994: 198). As the realists
would argue that the perceived threats to China’s national security and the
changes in the global balance of power warranted a strategic shift on China’s
part. And that the Sino-U.S. opening reoriented China from being a
destabilizing to a status-quo power in Asia. Although these explanations
rationalize the “why” question, but there still remains a gap in the
understanding of the practices that presupposes the ability of an agent to
imagine certain courses of action. This is in terms of meanings, subject
identities, their interrelationships, and a range of imaginable conduct. Hence,
moving from the “why” question to that of the “how”, has important implications
for foreign policy analysis. It is this ‘how’ factor that forms the core of the
cognitive approach to foreign policy and decision-making analysis.
It is the
cognitive analyses of the role of the policymaker’s beliefs and images that
help in understanding of how the decisions are made. The central questions that
form the base of this analysis are- how do policymakers view the world? What
affects the beliefs and images of policy-makers have over time? What impact do
the beliefs of policymakers have on foreign policy making and the practice of
foreign policy? These questions related to the role of cognition help in
understanding the formulation and conduct of foreign policy (Rosati 1987).
Here, is where the idea of ‘perceptions and beliefs’ in foreign policy and
decision-making comes into being.
foreign policy has been explained from a rational-actor perspective based on
realist and power politics assumptions.
And it is argued that since the policymakers, act rationally so it is
not needed to delve into the psychological predispositions or governmental
foreign policy processing. This overlooking of cognitive factors in realist
understanding creates caveats in a complete understanding of foreign policy. It
is here, where a cognitive approach challenges the assumption of individual
rationality. Where the rational actor perspective assumes individual
open-mindedness and adaptability to changes in the environment, the cognitive
approach posits that individuals are much more close-minded due to their
beliefs and the way they process information and thus they tend to resist
adapting to changes in the environment (Rosati 1987). A cognitive perspective
emphasizes the importance of examining the individuals involved in the
policymaking process as they tend to view the environment differently.
are the most important variables in understanding the cognitive approach to
foreign policy making, and this forms the core in the literature on cognitive
understanding of foreign policy. Early studies of foreign policy
decision-making with a psychological orientation emphasized the influence of various
psychological traits on those involved in foreign policy decisions but, more
recently, the emphasis has been on perception, beliefs, cognition, and
information-processing. The cognitive process approaches, have attempted, in
varying degrees, to map out the belief structures of decision makers and
explore the implications of these structures for the way international events
are understood and policy alternatives are considered. Studies have focused
upon the perceptions of particular foreign policy decision makers. As Holsti
(1962) emphasized on the perceptions and choices of groups of persons
simulating the roles of foreign policy decision makers. Perceptions of low
hostility are self-liquidating and perceptions of high hostility are
self-fulfilling. In addition, to organizing perceptions into the meaningful
guide for behavior, the belief system has the function of the establishment of
goals and ordering of preferences, which is linked to decision-making. Robert Jervis (1976) argues that decision
makers would gain significantly if they thought through the basics more
self-consciously as perceptions of the world and of actors diverge from
reality. While Hermann (1980) reflects on the decision process of national
decision groups focused upon particular policy problems. He stresses on the
relationship between personal characteristics and foreign policy behavior, in
order to explain why governments do certain things in foreign policy arena.
Richard Cottam, 1977 (Shapiro and Bonham 1973) has built a theoretical
framework designed to highlight assumptions arguing that they underpin more
specific policy arguments. While Alexander George (1972) arguing on the same
line is apprehensive that too often tactical arguments only mask fundamental
premises that are not well-defended.
Mintz and DeRouen Jr. (2010), state that decision-makers are not
necessarily “irrational” but are limited in their ability to carry out all the
steps of the rational model, as factors such as personality and beliefs of
leaders, emotions, images, cognitive consistency and others influence and shape
foreign policy decision-making. And others like Steven Spiegel (Shapiro and
Bonham 1973) have argued that the perceptions and philosophy of key leaders are
the most important variables in foreign-policy decision making- they are even
more important than bureaucratic interests. And, adding to it Vertzberger
(1990) has argued that values, beliefs, stereotypes and attitudes have a direct
influence on information-processing, which impacts the interpretation of the
political environment. The basic notion that core perceptions, like images of
the opponent, affect policy choices is also the primary idea behind the
operational code and other efforts to study the cognitive bases of policy
The cognitive
study of foreign policy has contributed to a better understanding of the
structure of beliefs in the minds of individuals in a political setting. It
also contributes to an understanding of the extent to which policymakers’
beliefs are likely to change over time (Rosati 1987). But this approach has
rarely been applied to the understanding of the Chinese foreign policy, more
specifically, in assessing how China under Mao Zedong took a giant leap in
normalizing its relations with its adversary (U.S.). It is this gap in
literature that forms the core of my study. The puzzle is therefore, to solve
“how” China under the leadership of Mao changed its foreign policy towards U.S.
Moving beyond the rational actor model, the study is aimed at evaluating the
psychological factors that came into play in Sino-American rapprochement using
the cognitive approach model.
Therefore, the
objective of the paper is to study the relation between cognition and foreign
policy and decision-making.
The study will
be focused in answering two key research questions:
perceptions led Mao Zedong to drastically change China’s foreign policy towards
the United States?
Was the
outcome the result of a realist calculation of threat or rather a change in the
belief system?
For Mao
Zedong, foreign policy was an integral part of a holistic strategy for “making
revolution”. Consequently during the Maoist era, “foreign policy” was not
distinguished from “domestic policy”, and the compulsions of state and national
interests in “foreign policy” were no less amenable to ideas and value change
than were those in the arena of “domestic policy” (Bhattacharjea 1998). It is
thus necessary to explore the ideas and perceptions, the methods of analysis,
the identification of objectives and the strategies for their realization that
dominated the making and implementation of foreign policy” or, what the Chinese
called “diplomatic work.” Therefore, the central argument of this paper is that
it was Mao’s perceptions of the outside objective world and his rationalization
of strategy for making revolution brought about changes in Chinese foreign
policy vis-à-vis the United States after twenty five years of estrangement.
In exploring
these questions, the paper tends to use the cognitive model given by Michael J.
Shapiro and G. Matthew Bonham (1973). With this model, the study would assess
the decision-making procedure of Mao Zedong in trying to normalize the
relations with the United States. This
model is based on the perception of ‘representation of beliefs.’
“Representation of Beliefs”, Shapiro and Bonham (1973) suggest that beliefs of
foreign policy decision makers are central to the study of decision outputs and
probably account for more of the variance than any other single factor. Beliefs
represent both the congealed experiences of the decision maker and his
expectations about the decision environment. In the decision-making process,
beliefs act like templates for channeling information and for relating
possible policy options to perceptions about the intentions and behavior of
other nations, and also to the policy objectives of the decision maker.
In this case,
it is the belief system of Mao Zedong that shaped the perceptions about the
intentions and behaviour of other states (Soviet Union and United States), and
thereby, contributed to the policy objectives of China. Mao Zedong's primary
concern in Sino- American relations stemmed from his perception of the threat
from the United States, supplemented by the episodes of direct invasion from
Korea, proxy invasion from Taiwan or subversion through peaceful transition.
This fixation led to his amplification of American intentions in 1950 in Korea
and again in the Taiwan Straits in 1954-55 and 1958. And the second key
apprehension was oriented towards whether the United States would treat a new
China at an equal parity. These beliefs and perceptions shaped Mao’s cognitive
image of the U.S. as an aggressor and imperial power.
Shapiro and
Bonham (1973) in their analysis propose that four processes are involved in the
when a decision maker is confronted with a new international situation that
requires a response from his government: the amplification of beliefs, the
search for an explanation, the search for policy options, and the choice of a
In the first
phase, that is, during the ‘amplification of beliefs process’, the decision
maker attempts to put the new international situation into the context of his
experiences. This is a process of bringing together various components of the
situation with his existing beliefs about the nations and actions involved so
that the decision maker can define the situation. In case of China, Mao
Zedong’s amplification of beliefs can be assessed in terms of Mao’s own theory
‘on contradictions.’ According, to this phase, it can be assessed that in 1968
after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, there was a major shift in Mao’s
assessment of the primary and secondary contradictions. Soviet Union’s
aggression seen as “Soviet Imperialism” became the primary antagonistic
contradiction displacing the age old U.S. Imperialism. These shifts in
perceptions of the most dangerous rival led to policy outcomes. The beliefs of
Soviet Union as an aggressor was strengthened by the 1969 border clash between China
and Soviet Union along the Ussuri River on the Damansky Island. This led to
spiralling of tensions and security dilemma on both sides. Thus, the perception
of Soviet Union from an ally to an adversary gradually strengthened in Mao’s
mental map, and amplified his beliefs of Soviet Union as an aggressor.
The second
phase of decision-making is followed by ‘Search for explanations”, this phase
is much more deliberated than that of the first stage. In this stage, a
decision maker determines whether he possesses an adequate explanation of what
has occurred. This is based on an actor's intention or motivation. The path is
a sequence from intention to the consequence or set of consequences that were
initially input in the amplification of beliefs phase of the decision process.
Once new information has activated concepts in a decision maker's cognitive
system, there is a search for further processing. According, to this phase of
decision-making, the changing international balance of power had a significant
impact on Mao Zedong’s perceptions of the world, e.g., those of a world war.
Mao always believed that world war was inevitable and China must be prepared
for it as soon as possible, and it should also be prepared for a nuclear war.
To protect the Chinese nation, Mao Zedong in 1960s replaced the strategy of
leaning to one side with the strategy of the Double Anti, that is, the
simultaneous pursuit of the anti-imperialism struggle against the US and the
anti- revisionist struggle against the Soviet Union (Khan 2006). And then as
the Soviet Union was strongly perceived as the most dangerous enemy to China
than U.S. Mao’s policy of ‘double anti’ was changed to that of ‘one-united
front’ to contain Soviet Union. Mao’s changing perceptions led to changes in
his strategies based on the assessment of ‘who were the immediate and most
hostile threat.’ Thus, Mao’s configuration of beliefs was subjective of global
dynamics and thereby, substantiated his calculus of power politics in the midst
of perceptions and mis-perceptions of the other.
Third phase in
decision-making is that of “search for options and policy choice”. China
clearly faced aggressive threats from the Soviet Union. In view of the
worsening of Sino-Soviet relations, especially the armed conflicts along the
Sino-Soviet border in 1969, the Chinese leadership realized that China’s
biggest threat came from the north. China’s very survival was at stake, and
China had to change its fighting with the two fists strategy to escape from
this strategically disadvantageous position (Cheng and Zhan 1999). At this
quandary, only three policy options were available to Mao to relieve the
situation. First, China could alter its communist system to conform to Moscow’s
will. Second, China could build itself up to repel an invasion. Third, China
could align itself with an outside third party to counter the Soviet threat.
With China’s sinocentric attitude, the first option was inconceivable.
Rebuilding China to become a major power was already a goal; however progress
was not rapid enough to provide security from the mobilizing Russians. China
had no choice but to align externally to balance against the looming threat
(Vea 2006).
And finally,
the decision-making process entails the “choice of a policy option”, the choice
of a policy option from among a number of possible alternatives is the final
decision-making process. In preparation for the increasing military threats
from the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong called for preparation for war, for famine
and for the people, while looking for allies to deter the Soviet Union. The
best choice obviously was the US, the only country that could stand up to the
Soviet militarily. Hence, China had to improve its relations with the US. By
1970, Mao had realized that he could not simultaneously confront both, the
Soviet Union and the U.S., and also suppress internal disorder. Thus, despite
the fact that the Vietnam War was at its height and China’s anti-American
rhetoric was at its peak, Mao decided that since the Soviet Union was a greater
threat because of its geographical proximity to China, he should seek an
accommodation with the U.S. to confront the USSR. As the U.S also faced
considerable pressure from the Soviet Union’s expansionist designs and wanted
to withdraw from the Vietnam War, President Nixon made the initiative to
approach China, which objectively offered China an opportunity to exploit the
contradiction between the two superpowers. As Mao said, “we must win over one
of the two superpower (hegemons), never fight with two fists, we can take advantage
of the contradiction between the two superpowers, and that is our policy.”
Thus, as a
result of Mao’s changing beliefs of U.S. from foe to friend, in the early
1970s, Chairman Mao and other Chinese leaders seized the opportunity which was
offered by the U.S. government to push forward the normalization of Sino-U.S.
relations. China’s leaders wanted to ally with the U.S. and contain the Soviet
Union. On the common ground of tackling the main threat posed by the Soviet
Union, China and the U.S. established strategic cooperation. Similarly, the US
was also interested in normalizing relations with China as the Cold War between
the U.S. and USSR was intensifying and the U.S. was deeply involved in Vietnam.
So, consequently a secret back channel of communication was opened through
Pakistan and Romania, which sent signals to the Chinese that the U.S. was
interested in ending its policy of attempting to isolate China. This shows the
drastic change in Mao’s belief system and its objective and calculated outcomes.
As a result of
this psychological changes augmented by physical changes in Sino-Soviet
relations, despite China’s reluctance to align with the United States, they
extended an invitation to the American ping pong team playing exhibition games
in Japan. America’s slow withdrawal from Vietnam eased Chinese misgivings about
potential imperialist intentions by the United States. This initial invitation
opened the door for a secret visit by Henry Kissinger, America’s national
security advisor, to plan a meeting between China’s Premier and America’s
President. Three months later, President Richard Nixon met with Premiere Mao
Zedong for an historic week-long summit. The Shanghai Communique was the result
of their efforts, a document establishing diplomatic relations between the
United States and China for the first time since the communist takeover China’s
selection of the United States as a partner for an alliance rather than another
nation was a carefully planned decision.
Generally, the
most obvious selections for immediate threat balancing are nearby neighbors.
These countries have a vested interest in the security of their local
neighborhood and would therefore readily supply military force if needed.
However, America’s foreign policy regarding the region was designed to prevent
any nation from rising to power again, thus, rendering local alliances too weak
for countering the Soviets. America’s military force projection was not the
only reason that China under Mao chose to side with the United States. The Chinese
believed that America would seize the opportunity to gain an ally against the
Soviet Union. The fact that America wanted an entrance into China’s economy was
no secret either (Vea 2006). By carefully planning their presentation with that
of their cognition, China stood to gain everything from the United States
without having to make significant concessions the other way.
testing Mao’s “leap of faith” in normalizing China’s relations with the United
States answers ‘how’ the cognitive pathway led to the decision-making. This clearly suggests that examining the
kinds of cognitive adjustments, both in terms of the structure of a cognitive
mapping of the international political system and in terms of the stored
perceptual histories of past events, result in policy choices different from
those that have been actually pursued. This proves that cognitive understanding
reflects how various foreign policy actors have actually been responsible for
foreign policy choices. Foreign policy choices are made out of perceived
thoughts and beliefs built in terms of schemas and historical precedents.
Hence, looking
into the broader spectrum of “Sino-U.S. Rapprochement” in this broader
framework of Cognitive approach to decision-making, it goes beyond the realist
‘state-centric’ objectives. Mao’s decisions were more influenced by his
perception of the world. And his actions to meet any national or international
crisis were highly motivated by reading in between the lines. As Kissinger
(2011) argues, that understanding of the Chinese thought-process draws heavily
from the China’s past. He thoroughly traces China’s strategic footprints in the
shadow of Sun Tzu and his ‘Art of War’), Zhuge Liang’s “Empty City Strategum”,
the strategic game of “wei qi” and Wei Yuan’s “using barbarians against
barbarians.” These historical beliefs
carved and shaped Mao’s policies vis-à-vis the others. It was his perception of
the other juxtaposed with that of his perception of the world that created the
niche of his foreign-policy decision-making.
Therefore, the
shifts in the beliefs brought about shifts in the relations vis-à-vis the
other. The irony was that Nixon's visit resulted from the fact that China and
the United States now shared a common goal, namely resisting the other
superpower, the Soviet Union. For most of his life Mao had looked upon the
Soviet Union as a teacher and friend, but in his later years it became the
number one enemy. Now, as the wheel of history came full circle, the United
States was his most respected enemy and the Soviet Union his most hated friend
(He 1994).
This paper
demonstrated that beliefs do matter in foreign policy as decision making rarely
conforms to demanding rational choice models and the way in which they shape
perceived options. As international relations are fundamentally human relations
between people in different states and organisations, understanding the
individual decision maker is necessary for understanding foreign policy as a
Thus, the
historical progression demonstrates how we can imagine others, either
interpersonally or diplomatically, in ways that create the conditions for
peaceful cooperation as well as ways that risk hostile confrontation. For the
sake of national and global interests, Mao’s “leap of faith” offers tremendous
insight regarding how to construct and judge China’s diplomatic strategy. Hence, the cognitive understanding of
Sino-American rapprochement serves as
an effective example of how we can imagine others in productive ways, even in
the face of decades of confrontational, hostile rhetoric and policies towards
those same “others.”
About The Author:
Jash (K-5665-2015) is Editor-in-Chief of IndraStra
Global and is a Doctoral Research Scholar at the Centre for East Asian Studies
(Chinese Division), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, INDIA. [Amrita Jash's Official Website]
Cite This Article:
Jash, Amrita. "THE PAPER | Cognitive
Analysis of the Sino - U.S. Rapprochement by Amrita Jash." IndraStra 1,
no. 11 (2015): 0479.
https://www.indrastra.com/2015/11/PAPER-Cognitive-Analysis-of-Sino-US-Rapprochement-by-Amrita-Jash-0479.html. ISSN
End Notes:
- 1.Balance of threat theory states that threat can be balanced by aligning with the aggressor or against the aggressor. The former type is referred to as band-wagoning. By aligning a state with the threat, it buys safety from being aggressed upon. However, such alignments often render a state subservient to their former threat. Band-wagoning behavior typically takes place when a state is drastically weaker than its threat or no alternative alliances can be formed. On the other hand, and the most often seen case, a state will align itself with states that share a common threat. This behavior is called balancing (Walt 1999).
- 2.The assumption has been that governments and their political leaders think and act in a rational manner in their quest for power and order. Such rationality assumes that individuals perceive the world accurate and arrive at decisions through an open intellectual process: goals are ordered, a search is made for relevant information, a wide range of alternatives is considered, and the option that maximizes the benefits while minimizing the costs is selected.
- 1.Bhattacharjea, Mira, Sinha (1998), “Mao Zedong’s Vision China, The World and India”, [Online: web] URL: http://ignca.nic.in/ks_41045.htm.
- 2.Chen, Jian (2003), “The Path towards Sino-American Rapprochement, 1969-1872”, GHI Bulletin Supplement, 1: 26-52.
- 3.Cheng, Joseph Yu-Shek and Franklin Wakung Zhan (1999), “Chinese Foreign Relation Strategies Under Mao and Deng: A Systematic and Comparative Analysis”, Kasarinlan:Phillippine Journal of Third World Studies, 14(3): 91-114.
- 4.Doty, Roxanne, Lynn (1993), “Foreign Policy as Social Construction: A Post-Positivist Analysis of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy in the Philippines”, International Studies Quarterly, 37(3): 297-320.
- 5.George, Alexander L. (1972), “The Case for Multiple Advocacy in Making Foreign Policy”, The American Political Science Review, 66(3): 751-785.
- 6.Goh, Evelyn (2005), Introduction: Constructing the U.S. Rapprochement with China, 1961-1974, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 7.He, Di (1994), “The most respected enemy: Mao Zedong's perception of the United States”, The China Quarterly, 137: 144-158.
- 8.Holsti, Ole R. (1962), “The Belief System and National Images: A Case Study”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 6: 244-252.
- 9.Hermann, Margaret G. (1980), “Explaining Foreign Policy Behaviour Using the Personal Characteristics of Political Leaders”, International Studies Quarterly, 24(1): 7-46.
- 10.Jervis, Robert (1976), Percerption and Misperception in International Politics, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- 11.Khan, Humayoun (2006), “A historical view of China’s foreign policy towards big powers”, [Online: web] URL: http://catalogo.casd.difesa.it/GEIDEFile/Khan.HTM?Archive=191283591946&File=Khan_HTM.
- 12.Kissinger, Henry (2011), On China, Great Britain: Allen Lane.
- 13.Mao, Zedong (1971), Selected Readings from the works of Mao Tse-Tung, Lucknow : Rahul Foundation.
- 14.Mintz, Alex and Karl DeRouen Jr. (2010), “Psychological Factors Affecting Foreign Policy Decisions” in Understanding Foreign Policy Decision Making, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.
- 15.Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State, “Foreign relations of the United States, 1969–1976,volume xvii, china, 1969–1972, document 203”, [Online: web] URL: http://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v17/d203.
- 16.Rosati, Jerel A. (1987), “A cognitive approach to the study of foreign policy”, [Online: web] URL: http://pluto.fss.buffalo.edu/classes/psc/fczagare/PSC%20504/Rosati.pdf.
- 17.Shambaugh, David (1991), Introduction: Beautiful Imperialist, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 3-41.
- 18.Shambaugh, David (1994), “Patterns of Interaction in Sino-American Relations”, in Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh (eds.) Chinese Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- 19.Shapiro, Michael J. and G. Matthew Bonham (1973), “Cognitive Process and Foreign Policy”, International Studies Quarterly, 17(2): 147-174.
- 20.Vea, Matthew (2006), “Analyzing Sino-American Relations of 1972”, [Online: web] URL:http://www.omninerd.com/articles/Analyzing_Sino_American_Relations_of_1972.
- 21.Vertzberger, Yaacov Y.I. (1990), Introduction: The World in Their Minds: Information Processing, Cognition, and Perception in Foreign Policy Decisionmaking, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- 22.Watson, William, Hays (2009), “The week that changed the world”: the rhetorical significance of Nixon’s China rhetoric”, Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia: The University of Georgia.